Resorption on a Lateral
37 yo. Hx of Mx advancement with ortho.
4 visits. You can see the more and more of the resorption being debrided with the CaOH radiographs.
MTA obturation with a fiber post.
Sharing Passion for Fixing Teeth With Endo
37 yo. Hx of Mx advancement with ortho.
4 visits. You can see the more and more of the resorption being debrided with the CaOH radiographs.
MTA obturation with a fiber post.
This was a young patient who sustained trauma which resulted in a crown fracture to his maxillary central. The tooth had been restored, but the dentist had reported a significant exposure. Weighing the options we went with vital tooth therapy due to the incomplete development of the root. We chose Biodentine for the pulpotomy repair because it isn’t supposed to stain. At one year it looks like there is a dentin bridge and without any staining. We’ll keep him on followup, but the 1 year outcome looks good.
A pretty long molar with mesial caries.
This is the first time I’ve ever seen this variant. This maxillary premolar had a distinct mesial and distal canal. I’v seen rotated premolars before that looked like this radiographically. However, the buccal cusp was in the correct orientation. This tooth would really only allow for a single fiber post.
Maxillary molar with a narrow platform.
This tooth had a mid mesial portal of negotiation. Looking at cbct’s of lower molars, there’s often a concavity that makes aggressive shaping of these teeth risky. Root form appopriate instrumentation of these mid mesial canals is usually pretty conservative, especially when they join (no reason to hog it out if it does).
This post was originally my second Endofix post 7 about years ago. As I got a more recent recall I thought it reasonable to freshen it up some. This is a primary tooth (T), I treated 15 years ago. Looks like it’s still hanging in there, which is actually kind of surprising to me- an unexpected outcome in the positive if you will. Primary teeth have very thin, spindly roots so large shapes are contraindicated. This is one of the teeth that helped “shape” my ideas about root form appropriate instrumentation. Back then we were providing “deep shape” which was often a continuous taper .08. For sure these roots couldn’t tolerate those deep shapes. The notes say we finished with a 25.04 which were very conservative at the time. It helped me understand the concepts of necessary and sufficient. In this case the instrumentation was sufficient to accomplish complete resolution of symptoms and radiographic clearing. Furthermore, that deep shape we liked to see wasn’t necessary. If it wasn’t necessary for this tooth, would it be necessary for other teeth? In some ways this mighty little tooth helped a sea change in the way teeth in general were approached with regard to instrumentation.
While still trying to figure out the intricacies of webdesign and blogging, I needed to have a first post, and of course I wanted it to be rad. Luckily today, a Radix Entamolaris came in for a complete. I love it when I get patients who are part of a referring doctors dental team. They are discerning, and I’m always honored when they choose me.
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