Long Max Molar

Some daily work. An example of image guided access and root-form appropriate instrumentation.
We opaqued the silver to achieve an esthetic access closure.
Sharing Passion for Fixing Teeth With Endo
Some daily work. An example of image guided access and root-form appropriate instrumentation.
We opaqued the silver to achieve an esthetic access closure.
One year followup. Pretty typical instrumentation for a maxillary molar.
Kind of rare to see these wide open canals on a 60 year old. The patient initially presented with buccal probings to the apex on this second molar. I used some pre-bent 10 and 15 files on the distal, mesial lingual, and mesiobuccal canals. I used a 7.04 rotary file on the mid-mesial canal. Instrumenting large canals takes a little more time. Continuous taper shaping of these canals would have likely perforated it coronally. So for these large canals, this is root-form appropriate instrumentation of the internal aspect of the root. Looks like there were 3 POE’s on the MB root. The lateral canal evident on the postop may have contributed to the furcal blowout.
Measurements had it it over 12mm preoperatively.
These can be unpredictable. Teeth with deep periodontal probings on teeth with mesial and distal roots in close proximity can have those probings as a result of periodontal disease. They can also have those probings as a result of endodontic pathosis. Really, the best way to determine if its endodontic origin, is to initiate endodontics and monitor the probings over time. If the probings resolve, as they did in this case, then the cause is endodontic in nature. Unfortunately, if its periodontal in nature the prognosis is usually poor. After a few months in CaOH2, we had our answer, as the probings dropped to 3mm and then we finished the case. Managing the case in this way makes things predictable. The one year followup shows complete healing in 2D.
This 11 year old sustained trauma to his front maxillary incisor. It was uncomplicated (not involving the pulp). The fractured segment was re-bonded and the fracture line was camouflaged with composite for an aesthetic fix. Today we saw him for a followup at 1.5 years. The tooth still responded normally to cold and we’ve seen some root development.
No history of trauma, but there was some discoloration. It was symptomatic as well. We performed some bleaching as well as the endodontic therapy.
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