The Endo Fix

Post or No Post?

Newport News Endodontist

A pretty common question that comes up when I’ve lectured on restoring endodontically treated teeth is “Do molars need a post?”. I would say, on most initial treatments, the answer is no. Reason being, with a conservative access, the internal access shape is convergent leading to a frustum shaped access which lends considerable retention. In some cases, what your dealt, has already compromised this retentive form. In this root tip endo case, the root filling had been exposed for a long time, and with regard to remaining tooth structure- it already had 3 strikes. The patient knew that this tooth didn’t have a favorable long-term prognosis but wanted to buy some time. So, we pitched a tent with 3 stainless steel posts and placed a bonded amalgam. A little heroic? More or less heroic than Nacho Libre?